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30 Strange Nutrition Myths Busted



Fruits and Vegetables

A lot of health goals can be achieved by making certain corrective changes to everyday diet. People who have weight concerns, Alzheimer’s disease, or other comorbidities can reap benefits from a professionally-planned diet.

However, with the advent of the internet, people are more at risk of falling prey to fad diets that have little to no nutritional payoff. These sketchy diet myths spread misinformation, and could be doing more harm than good. Here are 30 such internet-famous claims that have no grounds in reality.

1. Fresh fruits and veggies are healthier than canned, frozen, or dried

Sara Bleich, former director of nutrition security and health equity at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, told the New York Times that the claim makes no sense. Even as there are concerns that canned fruits may sneakily contain saturated fats and added sugar, Bleich recommends reading the label and only buying those that have minimum levels of additives.

Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and vegetables. Pixabay

2. Fats are always harmful

It’s frustrating to see almost all websites demonizing fat. But that’s not the case, as fats have some nutritional values that only experts can validate. In several instances, this vilification has led many people, especially food manufacturers, to replace calories from fat with refined carbohydrates like white flour and added sugar which, according to Dr. Vijaya Surampudi, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of California’s Center for Human Nutrition, increased the rate of obesity as opposed to helping the people stay in shape.

Healthy fats What are healthy fats? Photo courtesy of Pexels

3. “Calories in, calories out” is all that matters

There is a common conception that burning more calories than one intake leads to weight loss, and, on the other hand, eating more than one burns can help in gaining weight. Experts say this indeed happens, but the effects are fairly short-lived. Doctors say many other factors may prevent one from losing weight, such as hypothyroidism, metabolic adaptations, or the use of certain medications. Nutritionists, therefore, recommend focusing on the food value of eatables rather than the caloric value, as the latter only flood the bloodstream with sugar and amino acids that are later transformed into saturated fat by the liver.

Exercise and bloating People may experience bloating as a post-workout feeling because of problems with nutrition, hydration and even the environment. Pexels

4. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

While many believe that a healthier breakfast means a healthier start to the day, research has shown it may not be the case for most people. It was found that postponing the time for breakfast during intermittent fasting has a slew of benefits, including improved blood sugar control with a visible reduction in rates of inflammation.

Breakfast Cereal Certain fortified cereals help address micro-nutrient deficiencies. However, it is important to watch out for false marketing. Pixabay

5. Eating small, frequent meals can make you healthy

The claim seems unfounded, as research has found that people who eat smaller meals throughout the day tend to have increased hunger levels and desire to eat as compared to those who ate larger meals.

Nuts Almonds. Steve Buissinne / Pixabay

6. People with type 2 diabetes should steer clear of fruits

Nutritionists say that juices that come by combining many fruits can shoot up blood sugar levels, but eating whole fruits barely has any adverse effects on diabetic people.

Diabetes These are eight ways that prevent autoimmune diseases such as diabetes. silviarita/Pixabay

7. Plant milk is healthier than cow’s milk

Plant milk is lower in protein content than cow’s milk. To say, cow’s milk has around eight grams of protein per cup, whilst plant milk has only one to two grams per cup. That aside, Kathleen Merrigan, a professor of sustainable food systems at Arizona State University and a former U.S. deputy secretary of agriculture, told the New York Times that plant milk has more added ingredients, which can cause many health hazards.

Milk High cholesterol and diabetes are common in Latino communities; Therefore, to celebrate National Minority Health Awareness Month, Luisa Sabogal RD is sharing amazing nutrition tips to help support these conditions. Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

8. White potatoes are bad for consumption

Potatoes are often shown in a bad light due to their high glycemic index, which can flood the system with digestible carbohydrates that can notch up blood sugar levels. Daphene Altema-Johnson, a program officer of food communities and public health at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, debunked the myth while talking to the New York Times, saying that potatoes can be beneficial for health as they contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and other nutrients.

potatoes Potatoes are good sources of resistant starch, which good bacteria uses to generate energy to produce immune cells and protect the stomach. Pixabay

9. Babies should not be introduced to peanut products before they turn one

New moms are discouraged by many to avoid introducing peanut or other allergenic foods such as eggs to a child below one year. However, doctors say unless the infant has severe eczema or other known food allergies, it’s okay to give them peanut products early on.

Peanut The Food Allergy Research & Education estimates there is one person being rushed to the emergency room every three minutes in the U.S. due to a food allergy reaction. Pixabay

10. Soy-based foods are linked to breast cancer

Higher doses of plant estrogens in soy called isoflavones have been found to increase the chances of breast tumor cell growth in animal studies, but the results were below the danger mark in human studies, Dr. Frank B. Hu, a professor and the chair of the department of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told the New York Times.

soy-998566_640 The alkaline diet embraces soy-based products. Photo courtesy of Pixabay

11. A protein shake is the best post-workout drink

Protein shakes aren’t the only drinks that help with post-workout cell regeneration. Research in Kelly Choi’s The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse found that having three cups of green tea per day leaves fewer markers of the cell damage caused by resistance to workouts, reports Eat This, Not That.

Protein shake A recent study from Australia claims that protein shakes adversely affects your mortality. Fabiano Silva/Pixabay

12. High-fructose corn syrup is worse than table sugar

Sugar and HFCS have the same calorific value as any other food products with added sugar. Plus, HFCS has a higher glycemic index as well as higher fructose content than sugar. So it will be safe to say HFCS is only good for increasing the shelf-life, but isn’t any better than standard table sugar in other respects.

Sugar vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup: How Each Breaks Down In The Body Glucose and fructose are both sweet, sugary additives, but your body processes each differently. Youtube

13. Sea salt is better than regular table salt

The regular table salt has 2,300 milligrams of sodium per teaspoon and sea salt, which is produced from evaporated seawater, also contains roughly 2,300 milligrams of sodium per teaspoon. So, understandably, it makes no difference. Some may argue the latter contains sodium and magnesium, but the minerals exist in trace amounts. This means one needs to take in extremely high and potentially dangerous levels of sodium to acquire a significant dose.

Salt Shaker The findings have stirred debate, especially among experts who support reducing salt intake to the lowest levels possible. Max Pixel

14. Paleo diet is a great choice for weight loss

Paleo or low-carb diet, which became a raging sensation, centered around food items that are low on carbohydrates and high in protein. Eating bacon and steaks indeed helped shed those extra kilos, but experts said it can cause weight gain in the long term. Research has found that those who had a protein-heavy diet were at a 90% greater risk of gaining more than 10% of their body weight over time as compared to those who ate carbs.

Paleo Diet Paleo dieters rejoice as we’ve compiled this list of the 14 best Paleo-friendly snacks on Amazon.

15. “Natural” foods are healthier

Foods with a “natural” tag aren’t always healthy, as they might contain harmful elements. For example, corn syrup is infused with HFCS, and natural Cheetos contain Maltodextrin, which can notoriously increase blood sugar levels, and all Raisin Bran, which soaks its raisins in both sugar and corn syrup, can make you diabetic.

natural products Natural products (non-vitamin, non-mineral dietary supplements) remain the most frequently used complementary health practice, though Americans have an increasing love of sun salutations. Dylan

16. Egg yolks raise cholesterol levels

Egg yolks get a bad rap for nothing. Though it contains cholesterol, experts argue the levels are moderate and studies have shown that people who are eating 5-6 egg yolks with regular exercise and diet have seen no increase in their blood sugar levels.

Egg yolk Some people want experts to apologize for changing dietary guidelines, namely toward cholesterol and saturated fat. But being committed to understanding current foods and nutrients is nothing to be sorry for; it’s science. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

17. Dark chocolate is good for your health

Dark chocolates contain polyphenols derived from cacao plants, which have shown great promise in lowering blood pressure to aid in weight loss. A 2013 study in the journal Diabetic Medicine even found that those with the disease had their blood sugar levels in control by eating dark chocolates. It also boasts of high concentration of flavonoids, which are responsible for boosting heart health. However, flavonoid, as well as polyphenol contents, are significantly reduced during the manufacturing process, which makes the dark chocolates nothing but mere candies with fancy packaging.

Dark Chocolate Two studies have found health benefits in dark chocolate which is high in cacao and low in sugar. Charisse Kenion/Unsplash

18. Oats are the best go-to option for weight loss

Oats are said to benefit those who have weight issues, and high blood cholesterol as they have a great grain offering. However, dietitians believe that if you have stomach or other gastronomical issues, especially irritable bowel issues, you can’t tolerate the amount of fiber from a bowlful of oatmeal.

oatmeal Researchers found that people who replace eggs and white toast with oatmeal for breakfast may have lower risk of stroke. Pixabay

19. Orange is the best source of vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient that has great antioxidant properties, and therefore has a range of health benefits, including strengthening the skin to help build collagen and boosting the body’s metabolism. But the body requires a constant external supply of the component, as it can neither produce nor store it. Citrus fruits, especially oranges, contain high levels of vitamin C, it is believed. But there are many other sources from where you can take in the vitamin, including Kakadu plums, Kiwis, and acerola cherries, among others.

orange-trees-are-under-seige-disease-carrying-bug Oranges are a classic source of Vitamin C Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

20. Comfort foods instantly put you in a good spirit

It is believed comfort foods are like old pals, who can immediately uplift your mood. But a 2014 study published in the journal Health Psychology busts the myth. As part of the research, a group of participants was shown depressing films to “induce the negative effect.” They were then given their choice of comfort food or no food at all. Results showed that both groups recovered from their bad mood at the same time, regardless of whether they ate comfort meals or not.

mac and cheese Mac and cheese made with a powdered mix may contain potentially harmful chemicals, a new report warns. Photo courtesy of Pixabay

21. Multi-grain bread is better than white bread

It’s probably the biggest myth making the rounds in the nutrition space. To tell you, multi-grain bread is just white bread that is darkened by adding caramel or molasses to them, whereas “multi-grain” refers to different kinds of refined grains that have no credibility at all when it comes to improving health.

bread-basket Bread and grains are sources of carbohydrates, but whole grains can also be part of a healthy diet. Photo courtesy of Pixabay

22. Nutrition bars are great for weight loss

They are not. Nutrition bars are packed with additives. Worse, they contain four different types of sugars, which exceed the limit of what an adult woman should averagely consume in a day.

Healthy Oat and Apricot Bars Image SaraJane, CC BY-SA 2.0

23. “Trans fat” free foods are trans-fat free

FDA’s food labeling regulations permit a “0 grams trans-fat” claim despite the product having 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving. However, the World Health Organization permits only about 1 gram per 2,000 calories to cut down on the chances of heart disease. This means that you are taking in more amounts of trans fat than that limit from products dishonestly marketed as “trans-fat free.”

Trans fatty acids Trans fatty acids may actually be good for you in small amounts. ebrull CC BY 2.0

24. Caffeine in energy drinks boosts metabolism

Caffeine can somewhat be effective in revving up the metabolism, but the empty calories obtained from energy drinks are hard to burn. What really can do miracles with the metabolic levels is drinking plain water, experts say.

Energy Drink Energy drinks like Monster and Rockstar are estimated to contain over 50 grams of sugar per can while Redbull contains nearly 27 grams. thom masat/Unsplash

25. Skipping meals will burn calories

Skipping meals will do nothing but increase your desire to reach for high-calorie, high-fat junk foods. So instead of seeing pounds fly off, there is a good chance that you will put on some more.

empty plate Americans may be eating less, but the quality of nutrition in their food may still be low. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

26. Diet sodas help you keep in shape

The diet community is becoming increasingly aware of the malevolence of diet sodas that secretly contain aspartame and sucralose, which induce hard-to-control food urges and make you obese, studies have found.

Diet Soda A new study shows that drinking diet soda alone may not directly cause weight gain as its common artificial sweetener needs to be combined with carbs to cause changes in metabolism.

27. Sugar makes kids hyperactive

There is no definitive evidence that it does, although most websites trade this idea. As part of a 1994 study, families with preschool-aged children were told to consume a diet either high in sucrose with no artificial sweeteners, a diet low in sucrose and containing aspartame (artificial sweetener), or a diet low in sucrose and containing saccharin (the placebo) and subsequent cognitive and behavioral tests proved that “neither sucrose nor aspartame produces discernible cognitive or behavioral effects” in those youngsters.

Sugar Both white and brown sugar came from either the sugarcane or sugar beet plant but they have different properties. Pixabay

28. The less you eat is more

The body functions solely on food. Therefore, your diet should consist of all sorts of nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, and fats. However, a good diet should feature good sources of fat like nuts, seeds, fish, avocado, olives, and low-fat dairy as these assist in building cells, produce essential hormones, and give you energy.

Fish New study found that fish consumption early in childhood could reduce occurrence of eczema, asthma and hay fever by 28 percent to 40 percent. Pixabay

29. Steer clear of processed grains

While whole grains are always a better choice, this doesn’t mean you need to ditch all the processed grains as some of them are enriched with folic acid, which has a plethora of benefits such as improving fertility issues, reducing inflammation, and even lowering blood sugar levels.

whole grains A study has found that very few Americans are eating enough whole grains and dietary fiber, and therefore, are missing out on an important, healthy part of their diets. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

30. Late-night meals make you fat

There is no conclusive evidence they do unless the platter comprises high-calorie choices. Eating the right meal doesn’t cause weight issues, but, yes, if eaten right before bedtime, one may have heartburn or digestive disorders. Doctors, therefore, urge people to stick to proper and earlier mealtimes.

Late night snack Avoid overindulging in these surprising constipation triggers — from green bananas to frozen dinners. Michael Gil, CC BY 2.0

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Feeling Tired All The Time? Possible Causes And Solutions



tired office worker

Long days of work, lack of sleep, and stress at the office can be the most common factors that make you feel tired. However, feeling “tired all the time” (TATT) without known reasons can be an indication of an underlying health issue that needs immediate attention.

Finding the exact cause of the lingering tiredness can be the first step toward solving the symptom.

Health conditions that cause fatigue:

1. Anemia – Anemia is one of the most common causes of fatigue. A person who has anemia does not have enough red blood cells in the body, causing symptoms such as tiredness, dizziness, feeling cold and crankiness.

Most often, anemia is caused by iron deficiency. Hence, the condition can be best resolved by including iron-rich foods in the diet and use of iron supplements.

2. Sleep Apnea – It causes the body to stop breathing momentarily during sleep. The condition can affect the quality of sleep and hence make you feel fatigued.

For milder cases of sleep apnea, lifestyle changes such as losing weight or quitting smoking can help solve the sleep disorder. In more severe cases where there is an obstruction in breathing, surgeries and therapies can help.

3. Diabetes – A person who has diabetes has changes in blood sugar level, which can cause fatigue. A patient who is already on diabetic medication can also experience tiredness as a side effect of the medication.

Early identification and taking the correct treatment is the key to managing diabetes. Losing extra weight and having a healthy diet also help in the treatment.

4. Thyroid – Thyroid diseases can be due to an overactive or an underactive thyroid gland. In people who have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), the metabolism slows down leading to symptoms such as lethargy and fatigue. In people with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), the metabolism speeds up leading to fatigue and difficulty sleeping.

Right diet and lifestyle choices, along with medications, can help in thyroid management.

5. Infections – A person can show symptoms of fatigue when the body is fighting a viral or bacterial infection. Infections ranging from the flu to HIV can cause tiredness.

Along with fatigue, other symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, shortness of breath and appetite loss can also accompany the infection. Treating the symptoms and taking adequate rest helps in faster recovery.

6. Food allergies – Fatigue may be an early warning sign of hidden food allergies and autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease. Identifying the allergen using a food allergy test or through an elimination diet can help in allergy treatment.

7. Heart disease – If you feel exhausted from an activity that used to be easy, then it is good to check your heart health, as fatigue can be an indication of underlying heart disease.

8. Depression/ anxiety – Fatigue can also be an indicator of a mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety. A combination of medication and psychotherapy can help relieve symptoms.

Lifestyle causes

Apart from serious health conditions, certain lifestyle habits such as dehydration, poor diet, stress and insufficient sleep can cause exhaustion. Having a well-balanced diet, regular exercise and routine sleep can help solve fatigue caused by lifestyle habits.

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How To Overcome Your Sleep Debt And Reclaim Energy




Picture this: you’re burning the midnight oil, studying or binge-watching your favorite shows, all at the expense of a good night’s sleep. Have you ever stopped to think about the toll it takes on your body and mind? The consequences can be more serious than you might realize.

Not getting enough sleep can translate into a multitude of issues, including weight gain, lack of focus, tiredness, a haze of confusion, and even depression. If you too are encountering similar issues lately then chances are you have a sleep debt.

Wondering what is sleep debt?

People from 13-18 years of age need 8 hours of sleep, whilst adults beyond that age will require at least 7 hours of snooze.

Sleep debt is a collection of the total hours you haven’t slept or traded your sleep for something else. Sleep debt keeps piling up as a person falls short of the total hours of sleep recommended for an adult, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

And when you keep letting go of your sleep for other activities, the body adapts to the new normal and effects start to reflect on the energy levels, which deplete.

“However, like every other debt out there, this too has a repayment option,” Dr. Kunal Kumar, medical director of the Sleep Center at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, told Livestrong.

Below are some expert-vetted ways you can pay back the sleep debt. (Courtesy: Livestrong and Sleepfoundation)

Just like financial debt, imagine sleep debt as a debt you owe to your body. It needs to be repaid. The good news is that catching up on sleep is indeed possible.

  • Maintain a set sleep schedule: Overhauling the sleep schedule is a pretty difficult task to achieve, and it’s best to do that gradually. Create a set sleep schedule by making some small changes to your routine. Instead of making abrupt shifts in your bedtime or wake-up time, adjust them gradually by 15 to 30-minute increments.
  • Minimize your gadget usage: Wind down activities and minimize electronic usage before bed to promote better sleep. Relax and prepare for quality sleep by dimming the lights and setting an alarm for 30 minutes to an hour before bed.
  • Reshuffle your sleeping arrangements: Are you finding it hard to get a good night’s sleep due to excessive sweating? Well, here’s a handy solution: consider upgrading to a cooling mattress or opting for cooling sheets. These innovative sleep essentials can help regulate your body temperature, and keep you comfortably cool throughout the night, ensuring a more blissful slumber. Memory foam pillows can work wonders in relieving neck and back discomfort in case you are struggling with backache.
  • Improve the bedroom environment: Create a sleep-friendly bedroom environment by adjusting the temperature for comfort, and blocking out disruptive lights, or noises that might disturb your restful slumber. And if your mattress, pillow, or sheets are worn out or no longer providing the support you need, consider treating yourself to new ones.

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Slow The Progression Of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Study




Omega-3 fatty acids are known for a range of health benefits, from promoting brain and heart health to reducing inflammation and protection against several chronic conditions.

In a new study, researchers found that omega-3 acids, especially the type found in foods like flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds, canola oil and soybean oil, can slow down the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

It is a debilitating nervous system disease that gradually worsens over time and can be fatal. The condition results in a loss of muscle control and affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease after the baseball player who was diagnosed with it.

The initial symptoms of the disease include muscle weakness, difficulty in walking and hand movements. The symptoms can slowly progress to difficulties with chewing, swallowing, speaking and breathing.

The exact cause of ALS is not known. However, around 10% of people get it from a risk gene passed down from a family member. It is estimated that more than 32,000 people in the U.S. live with the condition.

In the latest study, researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Massachusetts evaluated 449 people living with ALS in a clinical trial. The team assessed the severity of their symptoms, the progression of their disease, along with the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood, for 18 months.

The study suggested that alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 found in plants, is particularly beneficial in slowing the progression of ALS. The participants with the highest levels of ALA had a 50% reduced risk of death during the study period compared to those with the lowest levels of ALA.

Researchers also found a reduction in death risk in participants who had eicosapentaenoic acid, the type of omega-3 fatty acid found in fatty fish and fish oil, and linoleic acid found in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds.

A previous study conducted by the same team suggested that a diet high in ALA and higher blood levels of the nutrient could reduce the risk of developing the condition.

“In this study, we found that among people living with ALS, higher blood levels of ALA were also associated with a slower disease progression and a lower risk of death within the study period. These findings, along with our previous research suggest that this fatty acid may have neuroprotective effects that could benefit people with ALS,” said Kjetil Bjornevik, the lead author of the study.

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