Outdoor gear companies are known for pioneering new eco-conscious products that forge beyond the usual recycled (or partially recycled) fare. adidas Terrex, the outdoor-focused branch of the sneaker and sports apparel behemoth, now takes its Earth-friendliest step yet with a new project in collaboration with The Renewal Workshop (TRW) called “Nothing Left Behind.” The concept: re-engineering worn-out apparel and textiles into upcycled materials and good-to-go-again products for pro-adventurers using TRW’s proprietary Renewal System.
“We continually challenge ourselves to develop pieces that can extend the lifespan of Terrex products nearing the end of their lifecycle. This was our guiding inspiration to arrive at this exploratory collection with Adidas designers and The Renewal Workshop,” says Michael Kadous, head of North America for adidas Terrex and Five Ten. “The result is a reimagined collection sourced from athletes and employees engineered into unique outdoor pieces that we can send back to athletes to tell stories about all new adventures born from their repurposed pieces.”
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The sources for these pieces (a range of jackets and pants) was worn-out gear gathered from adidas Terrex athletes—including pro climbers Molly Mitchell and John Cardwell, as well as employees of the brand. After being repaired and remixed, the clothes were then returned to the original owners for continued testing and evaluation. Though these pilot-project pieces won’t be available to consumers, the collection inspires a new wave of recycled and repurposed apparel.
In the meantime, fans of the Three Stripes and their continued push for more sustainable outdoor gear can sign up to its AdiClub and enter a raffle to own a signature piece from the custom collection. Consumers can also return old or unwanted adidas apparel to be resold or reused through the company’s Give Back program—in return for AdiClub membership points or adidas vouchers.
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Learn more about the partnership, the collection, and this latest commitment to sustainability by checking out this short video released by adidas Terrex and TRW—featuring North America company head Michael Kadous and several top adidas Terrex and Five Ten designers.
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