
Aries Weekly Horoscope



WEEK OF June 21 – 2 7, 2021

With Mercury retrograde in your communication corner since May 29, life has resembled the Tower of Babel. But take heart. If you can make it to Tuesday, June 22, scrambled signals clear up again as the messenger planet corrects course. Slowly, over the next three weeks, life will start to get back on track. Between now and July 11, devote yourself to harmonizing, integrating and, when necessary, hammering out a compromise with your would-be partners-in-crime. Because the winged one is in your community-minded third house, you could strike up some interesting discussions with new kindred spirits.

If you’ve crawled under a rock for protection, it’s safe to come out and spread your social butterfly wings. Take the high road and forget those petty squabbles with coworkers, neighbors or siblings. Offer a sincere apology, even if you didn’t technically do anything “wrong.” For extra credit, laugh about it. One well-timed joke about the whole misunderstanding can vaporize all the drama. Continue to be mindful of what you post, Tweet and upload as the shadow of the retrograde won’t fully pass until July 7th. Need to upgrade some mobile devices—or shop for a new set of wheels? Start doing your research now, so you can make a well-informed purchase a couple of weeks from now.

Success is seeking YOU this Thursday, June 24 when the annual full moon in Capricorn sends accolades to your tenth house of achievement. Your hustle of the past seven months (since the NEW moon in Capricorn on January 13) could come to a shining culmination—and within a few weeks could attract the attention of some serious influencers in your industry. But don’t wait modestly for them to discover you. This prestigious full moon sanctions strategic self-promotion, Aries. Send out the press release and be sure to stamp your name on all your intellectual property; even apply for a trademark or patent if appropriate. One of your more unusual talents could be ripe for profit now.

Before you turn your beloved hobby into a business, make sure you aren’t going to destroy your passion in the process. Start slowly and create an actual plan before you design a logo and build a whole website. Some Rams may be inspired to return to a more corporate job after a stint as a solopreneur—or vice versa. Or, if you’re already a hired gun, use these moonbeams to create more autonomy and leadership at work. The time has come for YOU to take charge.

Starting Sunday, the stars paint plenty more romance into the picture when Venus joins dance partner Mars in Leo, their shared home, until July 21. Consider this your invitation to pull on a leopard printed bandage dress or pec-baring tank top and charter a boat to Love Island! (Or, erm, something like that.) Coupled Aries, if you’re bored, stop complaining. To actually correct your course, you need more dress up dates, road trip weekends, and creative projects that play to each of your strengths. For some Rams, this fertile cycle could get plans in motion for a little bundle of joy; or maybe you’ll finally adopt a sweet pet. No matter what you’re doing, life will be a costume party for the next four weeks.

As the cosmos roll out the red carpet, you’ll have plenty of occasions to dress up and strut. But get crystal clear about the difference between romance and romanticizing, because illusory Neptune will be retrograde from Friday until December 1. Decisions may have an impermanence to them, so even if you TRY to plot out the future, dates may suddenly change and the things you attempt to control slip from your grasp. If you can be fluid and nimble, however, the universe may buoy your vision to a more exciting level than the one that was limited by the bounds of your imagination.

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