For years, Bella Hadid has had some of her biggest fashion moments at the Cannes Film Festival. Today, she’s back in France, delivering another one. The 24-year-old model stepped out in a vintage white Jean Paul Gaultier column gown with a dramatic black sheer train and halter-neck for the French festival’s opening ceremony and Annette premiere. She wore her hair up in an elegant bun and accessorized with Chopard jewelry, including white gold earrings with two pear-shaped diamonds (18.05 carats total) and 5.82 carats of other diamonds. She additionally wore two rings from Chopard, one including a 5.45-carat, marquise-cut diamond and another with a 2.42-carat heart-shaped ruby.
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Hadid’s dress is from Gaultier’s spring/summer 2002 haute couture collection. It was originally modeled by Naomi Campbell on the Paris runway:
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This is one of Hadid’s biggest red carpet events since the coronavirus pandemic. In an August interview with ELLE, Hadid spoke about what she missed most about New York City and pre-pandemic life. At that point, she was quarantining on her family’s Pennsylvania farm.
“I miss smiling at people. I miss hugging, a lot,” she said, of what she missed about New York specifically. “I miss walking around and listening to music. It’s different when you’re in the city. You can walk forever—going nowhere and somehow still feeling like you’ve got somewhere to be.”
With pre-pandemic life, Hadid said what she missed most was “working. After a few years of being a workaholic—not being home for more than five days—I found spending three months at home [intense].”
Alyssa Bailey
News and Strategy Editor
Alyssa Bailey is the news and strategy editor at, where she oversees coverage of celebrities and royals (particularly Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton).
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