
Cancer Weekly Horoscope



WEEK OF June 21 – 2 7, 2021

The fog is lifting, Cancer—and just in time! On Tuesday, June 22, silver-tongued Mercury ends a frustrating three-week retrograde in your twelfth house of forgiveness, release and endings. Since May 29, there may have been times you couldn’t negotiate your way out of a paper bag. Emotional chaos—or a simple inability to connect to feelings—has threatened to be your undoing. Some Crabs danced with a few demons and deep-cleaned a key area of life. But now, as Mercury resumes forward motion, the lesson starts to become clear: Put up better boundaries or tear down the wall for good! Some people will push and push, and you’re not so good in the tough-love department.

A little self-discipline is also in order, especially if you’ve allowed your hedonistic and romantic sides to overindulge. You’ll benefit from work with compassionate healers and mentors now, so book some sessions or ask friends for recommendations. Even a weekly massage would be restorative while Mercury lingers in Gemini until July 11. At the very least, take time out for a pedicure in between all your decluttering missions.

On Thursday, the full moon in Capricorn sets off fireworks in your seventh house of committed relationships. Be still thy beating heart! A blossoming connection could quickly become exclusive and legit; or, you could deepen the bond with your S.O. Single Cancers could swoon for an “attractive opposite.” So what if you love trap beats and they’re die-hard metal? The differences are what create the sparks. If a relationship has felt imbalanced, you can redefine roles. Maybe your nurturing ways have become a little too “smother mother” for bae, despite your truly loving intentions.

Instead of asking for more in return, try doing less. You have to create the space of receptivity in order for others to give to you—and this can be scary for some Crabs out there. The biggest challenge may be curbing your tendency to rush in for the save. On the flip side, maybe you’ve grown addicted to a partner babying you. You’re a comfort-loving sign and the gestures sure feel sweet. With sacrificial Neptune snoozing in retrograde from Friday until December 1, you’ll have another nudge from the universe to dial down the caretaking and pump up the self-care!

On Sunday, ardent Venus joins dance partner Mars in Leo and your grounded second house until July 21. During this sensual cycle, your love life stabilizes, which is something that your security-minded sign appreciates. You’ve hosted the romantic planet since June 2, which brought some highs along with a bit of unpredictability. While the next three weeks won’t be nearly as “exciting,” step off the roller coaster. The enduring energy that seemed a little boring earlier this month is more your cup of sun tea for the next few weeks. Coupled Cancers, slow down and make time for the simple moments of bonding. Barbecuing dinners, drinking wine on the balcony, reading side by side in bed? Pure bliss.

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