Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
4 years agoon
Terry Power
Go easy on yourself, Capricorn! June starts with a focus on your health, obligations and daily routines. It’s not the sexiest summer scope (don’t worry, it’s coming), but by the time the month’s over, new habits you adopt could have you feeling vivacious and vital again. With Mercury retrograde in your health zone, you’ll want to wash your hands regularly, get ample rest and keep stress levels at bay, especially midmonth, when your ruler, Saturn, crashes into disruptive Uranus in their second of 2021’s three challenging squares. Later in the month, partnership issues take center stage, and the stars invite you to lean on the most supportive people in your crew. Don’t be shy about asking for some extra grace, too. Later in the month, both Jupiter and Neptune turn retrograde, which could temporarily tap the brakes on some of your bigger hopes and dreams. Month’s end brings a bright note, especially on June 24, when the year’s only Capricorn full moon shines a spotlight on a deeply personal mission—with special emphasis on a passion project you started six months ago.
The Sun is in Gemini until June 20
Spring cleanup is underway. With the Sun in Gemini and your sixth house of self-care and organization until Sunday, June 20, you’ve got the urge to purge, plan and purify! Use this wellness-minded cycle to form some good habits before summer officially arrives. Fresh air, ample sleep, a balanced diet—focus on these things and cut back the excess. Under these efficient skies, getting your processes in place can help you work smarter, not harder.
After an indulgent Taurus season that ended a couple weeks ago (well, at least on the cosmic calendar), you’ll want to bring balance and moderation back. Revive and revitalize—inside and out. Chances are you already take pretty good care of yourself, Capricorn, but as an earth sign, you can easily pick up bad habits like smoking or even sitting for too many hours without a break. The good news is that with innovative, creative Gemini dappling the Sun’s rays, you can always find ways to work smarter. You may even conserve some energy in the process, which is good since the Sun will be at its farthest point in the sky from your birth sign for a good chunk of June.
If you do decide that adopting a new food plan or fitness routine is your best move now, read the fine print and make sure you understand potential benefits (and costs) correctly because crossed wires and mixed signals will be on the menu for most of June for everyone, with messenger Mercury retrograde until Tuesday, June 22. Be extra careful with data and devices now and pay special attention to details, which can be easily missed.
Mars and Pluto get heated on June 5
You could be torn between your own needs and the demands of a partnership on June 5, when calculating Pluto in Capricorn locks into a stressful opposition to Mars in Cancer, which is heating up your relationship house. Since April 23, Mars has been stirring up both passion and conflict with your closest connections. In some ways, it’s been good—you’ve been more assertive and direct about your needs.
But when Mars opposes powermonger Pluto, this day definitely comes with a trigger warning! Tempers could reach a boiling point now, so be careful about engaging in sensitive conversations. You may need to extricate yourself from a toxic dynamic or relationship, perhaps one that pokes at a deep old wound. Someone could be giving you mixed messages—or you might be the one sending out “come here, now go away” vibes.
But before you place blame, take a peek in the mirror. With karmic Pluto here, you could easily project your own issues onto others. If you catch yourself complaining about a partner or close colleague, ask yourself, “Is this something I’m doing, too?” Relationships are a two-way street. Under this Mars-Pluto aspect, triggering behaviors will be impossible to ignore. And while you should never stick around if someone’s being abusive or disrespectful, don’t miss the teachable moments either. What’s the lesson here, Capricorn?
The June 10 Gemini solar eclipse brings a fresh start to your health and systems
Reboot! On June 10, the year’s only Gemini new moon arrives as a potent solar eclipse, activating your sixth house of wellness and organization. You’ll be inspired to seriously whip some parts of your life into shape, whether it’s your eating habits or your workflow. But pace yourself because with Mercury retrograde, your efforts could sizzle then fizzle, or you could find yourself overwhelmed by too many details. With a tough square from hazy Neptune in your communication house, it’s unlikely you’ll get the full story. Be extra careful if you’re installing software or upgrading a piece of technology, especially with passwords and security settings. You might be better off waiting!
Saturn and Uranus clash again on June 14
Too much security and not enough excitement? Or maybe it’s the opposite? Either way, you’ll be tasked with a radical rebalancing when structured Saturn class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” (your ruling planet) locks into a tense square with disruptive Uranus on June 14 for the second of three times in 2021.
This dynamic mashup can provoke sudden changes and powerful wake-up calls, but with disruptive Uranus involved, there may be chaos and curveballs before the calm. Take inventory of your life and see which structures have gotten too confining and where a little more consistency could pay off. Stress about work or finances could have cut into your fun, leaving you itching to rebel. If you’ve been sneaking in reckless indulgences in between workaholic marathons, this challenging square sounds the call for balance.
A regular routine of meals, sleep and exercise will bring stability back fast. But start with one small change instead of trying to cut out an entire food (or, um, beverage) group. Aim for moderation and a sensible balance of productivity and pleasure.
It’s Cancer season (and summer solstice) starting June 20
Sunday, June 20, is a big day this year, serving up the summer solstice (, Father’s Day AND the start of Cancer season, which will put emphasis on your closest partnerships, both professional and romantic. With the Sun at its farthest point on the zodiac wheel away from your sign, you may feel a bit, er, crabby under Cancer’s influence. Some days, you could even find it hard to give much since you’re not feeling too vibrant yourself. But that’s the brilliance of this solar cycle for you: It’s a chance to actually allow OTHERS to provide and pull their weight instead of carrying the full load yourself. With Jupiter also turning retrograde today (more on that in a minute), you’ll welcome the chance to slow down and free yourself of a few draining obligations.
Jupiter also goes retrograde on June 20
On Sunday, June 20, Jupiter—the planet of growth, luck and expansion—starts its annual four-month retrograde (backward) spin until October 18. This year, Jupiter will split its reverse commute between Pisces and Aquarius. The red-spotted planet will back through Pisces and your communication zone until July 28. New ideas and projects have been taking off fast, but you may need to scale back if your schedule has gotten overloaded. Dial down the multitasking mania a notch by being more discerning about what you say yes to—and delegating as much as you can. A relationship with a sibling, neighbor or a newish friend may have occupied a lot of your time lately. Same applies: Pull back a bit if that’s cutting into your “me time.”
Mercury retrograde is OVER June 22
At last! The three weeks of technology, communication and pclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” lan-making mixups, courtesy of Mercury retrograde, are over. While you may still feel some “retroshade” from Mercury’s shadow period until July 7, it’s safe to send to start your gadget-shopping and to implement new systems and processes, especially digital ones. Have you been thinking of hiring a savvy service provider or having an important conversation with your team about their performance? From today on, you can deploy any new tech protocols and huddle with the Capricorn Crew to make sure everyone’s clear on plans and duties.
Close the deal at the June 24 Capricorn full moon
When the once-a-year Capricorn full moon arrives on Thursday, June 24, you’ll get a welcome boost as a personal passion project could capture the spotlight and earn you “job well done” accolades. Whatever happens now is the culmination of efforts you launched six months ago, around the time of the January 13 Capricorn new moon. Enjoy the kudos! If you’re ready to switch gears because things aren’t panning out, take stock of what you DID learn and what’s worth preserving. This isn’t a total loss—far from it—and there may be a few golden threads you can weave into your next venture. Congratulate yourself for taking a risk and swinging out of your comfort zone!
One more retrograde (Neptune) starts June 25 (total of 4 planets)
Mindset shift, anyone? On June 25, hazy Neptune will turn retrograde (backward) in Pisces, reversing through your third house of communication until December 1. Your thoughts and words create your reality, a truth you’ll really feel now since three other planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) are also retrograde. It’s a time for self-reflection and to evaluate your day-to-day habits. Are you spending time on pursuits that bring you a sense of wholeness and align with your authentic desires?
There’s a chance you’ve over-obligated yourself to something that doesn’t light you up, but a sense of duty (and guilt) is keeping you stuck there. It’s more important than ever that you’re clear with people since the foggy planet could muddle messages. Retrogrades are good times to rehash the past. Have you misread someone’s intentions? Slow down and talk it through, listening to each other compassionately. If you’ve had a tension with a neighbor, sibling or colleague, Neptune’s backspin can inspire you to proffer an olive branch.
Be conscious about the information you take in while absorbent Neptune is retrograde. A break from social media could be just what the cosmos ordered. Are you opinion-polling too many friends and family members—and getting more confused in the process? Quit asking for advice and tune in to your own heart now. Journaling and meditation can be especially helpful for clearing any blocked mental channels. Slow down, get quiet and listen to the universe instead of the anxious chatter in your head!
Venus gets committed in Cancer on June 2
Time to make it official? Since April 23, passionate Mars has been in Cancer, heating up your committed-partnership zone until June 11. Chances are, you’ve been equal parts motivated and stressed by relationships. Maybe you’ve been eager to understand where a developing bond is headed, and even a tad impatient about it. (“Are we gonna do this or not?”) That kind of foot-tapping, clock’s-ticking style is understandable—you’re a premium catch, after all!—but it rarely invokes the come-hither response you’re hoping for, Cap.
When romantic Venus sweeps into Cancer from June 2 to 27, your softer side will return. Sweetness and synergy come back to your bonds, and if you’re single, this rare convergence of the love planets in your partnership zone can attract someone with serious long-term potential. Coupled Caps should make an effort to do more pleasurable activities together and enjoy happy moments as a duo. Take advantage of the newly reopened outdoor dining and cultural activities if you feel safe attending.
Mars plunges into Leo on June 11
Going deep! From June 11 to July 29, Mars slips into Leo and your smoldering eighth house of eroticism and intimacy. On the one hand, this could bring sizzling seduction and intrigue to head up summer. But Mars in this placement can also evoke jealousy and competitiveness as well as a tendency to obsess. Catch yourself if you start fixating or trying to control a situation. If you haven’t been feeling your most sensual (like most of the world), Mars in Leo can bring sexy roaring back!
Venus joins Mars in Leo on June 27
The sexytime vibes get ever stronger on June 27, when vixen Venus joins Mars in Leo until July 11. Refresh your lingerie drawer, practice that soul-piercing gaze and adjust your energetic field to “soulmate” setting. You could draw in a person who resonates at your frequency on mind, body and spirit levels. For coupled Caps, this is a powerful window to deepen intimacy across the board.
Partnerships are a hot zone for you this month, with go-getter Mars in Cancer and your dynamic-duos zone until June 11, followed by a long stint in Leo and your eight house of wealth and investments. But read every bit of fine print you can since Mercury retrograde can scramble signals. Hold off on signing until after June 22 if possible, but feel free to conduct due diligence, especially when the June 10 Gemini solar eclipse sharpens your eye for details. A helpful person could arrive with this eclipse, someone who’s a real team player, trustworthy and able to handle whatever you delegate to them. Implement some new organizational and admin systems today, whether that’s trying a new email marketing platform or buying pretty storage boxes to corral the clutter on your desk. The June 24 Capricorn full moon—the only one of the year—brings a peak moment to step into the spotlight or debut a passion project you’ve been working on since early 2021.
Love Days: 7, 12
Money Days: 19, 27
Luck Days: 16, 25
Off Days: 10, 14, 23
See All Signs
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade.
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