The breathless pace of development means data protection regulators need to be prepared for another scandal like Cambridge Analytica, says Wojciech Wiewiórowski, the EU’s data watchdog. ...
Thank you for joining us on “The cloud hub: From cloud chaos to clarity.” Companies are collecting and sharing a growing amount of sustainability data, but...
Tommy Meyer, a web developer from Phoenix, Arizona, started using Notion around 2018 after realizing he was carrying around three different notebooks at all times in...
And now Rose, whose handle was KZ, was presented the same question, six and a half years into a battle with lung cancer that she’d documented...
Jeremy Thompson, an embryologist based in Adelaide, Australia, says he’s spent his career figuring out “how to make the lives of embryos better” as they grow...
According to IDC, global spending on digital transformation is forecast to grow 16.3% annually for the next five years, reaching $3.4 trillion in 2026. Not all that investment, however,...
Gita: I think that’s a very important observation, and Stephanie’s been emphasizing this. It has to be done from the ground up. Her company and others...
As fungi grow, they are constantly sensing, learning, and making decisions. Fungi are like polyglots: they both “speak” and understand a wide range of chemical signals....
Bills ostensibly aimed at making the internet safer for children and teens have been popping up all over the United States recently. Dozens of bills in...
The movie-length course, distributed by MasterClass, starts out invitingly enough. Tao exudes calm and confidence. A mathematical mindset, he says, makes “the complex world a bit...