In the world of celebrity collaborations, here’s one you might not have seen coming. Grammy award-winning singer John Mayer just launched a laundry detergent and fabric spray in partnership with The Laundress. The brand, known for top-quality fabric products for everyday essentials and harder-to-clean fabrics like cashmere and wool, reached out to Mayer six years ago when they noticed him using their products.
Way Out West Set
The Laundress x John Mayer
Fast-forward today, Mayer and The Laundress just launched a collection that features a detergent to wash everyday items like T-shirts, socks, and underwear, alongside a spray to deodorize everyday objects or even the inside of shoes or a car. Both contain a scent with notes of black pepper, neroli, cedar, sandalwood, and musk. “It’s the perfect scent for people going, ‘You smell good, what do you have on?'” Mayer said.
Taking care of his clothing and doing his own laundry is something Mayer only learned how to do in recent years. “I never cleaned up after myself,” he said. But after years of sending his laundry to get dry-cleaned and relying on hotel staff while on the road, the singer became passionate about hand-washing his essentials.
“I got really into taking care of my stuff,” he said. It also fulfills a need to be more mindful of the environment. Rather than dry-cleaning or throwing out items that are no longer in pristine conditions, taking care of them so that they last longer means less clothing in landfills. “I want to see people wear things into the ground,” says Mayer. “If you love fashion, you should be into fabric care.” With that in mind, the containers are all made with 100% post-consumer recycled plastic.
You can buy John Mayer’s collaboration with the Laundress only on
Tatjana Freund
Beauty Commerce Writer
Tatjana Freund is a Beauty Commerce Writer, covering makeup, skincare, and haircare products and trends.
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