Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
4 years agoon
Terry Power
Who loves, you, Sagittarius? Answer: Everyone! Your most important partnerships take center stage all month and could deepen considerably by late June. You’ll be in the mood to connect and communicate with your partner. Pace yourself, though! All this together time could get a little claustrophobic for your independent sign. Be sure to take solo breaks too, especially since Mercury is retrograde until June 22, stirring tension with your closest circle. Wires can get seriously tangled midmonth at the Saturn-Uranus square, which will give you a LOT of options to consider. With so much confusion in the air, talk things out but avoid making big commitments just yet—especially with Jupiter (your ruler) and Neptune turning retrograde late June, which could temporarily tap the brakes on some of your bigger hopes and dreams. Month’s end brings an important development in your work situation—is there a job or even a career change in your near future?
The Sun is in Gemini until June 20
With the Sun in curious Gemini and your seventh house of binding partnerships until Sunday, June 20, the health of your key connections will take center stage as June kicks off. This is a time to negotiate and craft an agreement that works for both parties. Have you been holding the weight of the world on your shoulders? Gemini season is THE time for you to get the support you need. You may also be a tad more tired than usual because the Sun is at its farthest point in the sky from your sign. Take this as your cue to hire an expert, delegate to Team Sagittarius and to spread the work around!
Don’t rush to team up with just anyone though. Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, is retrograde in the same zone as the Sun from May 29 until June 22. Make sure to back up your tech, check your passwords, avoid purchasing anything electronic or with wheels (cars, bikes…), especially since Mercury’s retrograde mayhem is double-strength now.
Sagittarius has the sometimes charming, sometimes disarming and occasionally alarming tendency to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind if it seems relevant. Careful where you aim those truth-tipped arrows! Your brutal honesty could be misunderstood in any partnership discussions. That tendency is only magnified by Gemini’s similar way of cutting to the chase. Think, digest, edit…and make these three words your mantra: Save. To. Draft.
Mars and Pluto get heated on June 5
A work-related matter could reach a boiling point on June 5, when hotheaded Mars in your eighth house of intense emotions locks into a biennial opposition to power-tripping Pluto, which is in your second house of money and self-worth. Negotiations could get heated around a joint venture or shared project. While you may want a certain result (a set amount of money or certain items on your terms), are there bargaining chips you haven’t thought of, Sag? Perhaps you can leverage other perks to make up for what the other party won’t budge on.
Under this Mars-Pluto face-off, you’re likely to have tunnel vision, if not be outright obsessed with a goal. Maybe you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into something and you don’t want to bow out before reaping the rewards. But are you doggedly holding on at your own expense instead of cutting your losses?
Limiting beliefs could surface, bringing up old insecurities. You may feel a surge of jealousy toward a nemesis or rival. Instead of looking over your shoulder, examine what’s underneath that competitive flare-up. Maybe you just need to give yourself permission to be big and bold, too. Come out of hiding—and just “do you”!
The June 10 Gemini solar eclipse brings a fresh start to relationships
Dynamic duos unite! On June 10, the annual Gemini new moon arrives as a potent solar eclipse, bringing powerful changes and fresh starts to your partnership zone. An opportunity to join forces could arrive, but don’t rush in! This eclipse will travel in close proximity to Mercury retrograde, which could obscure key details in a contract or give you second thoughts about the terms of a relationship. Since retrogrades bring back the past, an old flame might resurface or you may have misunderstandings with a very close person. A wide but challenging square from hazy Neptune in your emo fourth house could throw in a side of moodiness, guilt trips and even paranoia. Not everything is as it appears at this eclipse—and maybe nothing at all! So read the fine print and weigh offers carefully. Take time to carefully consider the pros and cons rather than act impulsively.
Saturn and Uranus clash again on June 14
Biting off more than you can chew? You’ll find out June 14, when boundary-hound Saturn crashes into a 90-degree square with wild-card Uranus, and they challenge each other for the second of three times this year.
With Saturn in Aquarius and your communicative third house, you’ve had a nonstop parade of meetings, projects, people and ideas—and your “cognitive capital” might be a bit depleted. And its scuffle with disruptive Uranus in your sixth house of organization, health and helpful people could find you overwhelmed by juggling and stressed by all the details. Let these breakdowns sound the call: You need some skillful specialists and service providers so you don’t keep dropping balls! Delegate instead of DIY-ing.
Look back to February 17, the first of these Saturn-Uranus squares, and ahead to December 24 (the third and final square of 2021). What have you learned in the past four months about the need to put proper systems in place rather than relying on your own memory, skills and natural curiosity to carry the whole operation? Is it time to let go of stubborn ways of thinking? Your mindset could get a major makeover from these Saturn-Uranus squares. Get out of that rut between your ears and boost your skills so you can break through to the next level of your life!
It’s Cancer season (and summer solstice) starting June 20
A big day arrives on Sunday, June 20, an action-packed square of the calendar that crams in tclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” he kickoff of Cancer season, the summer solstice, Father’s Day AND the start of your ruling planet Jupiter’s four-month annual retrograde backspin (more on that in a bit).
Ready for some privacy, soul-searching and deep-diving research? As the Sun reaches its highest point in the northern hemisphere sky, it transitions into home-loving Cancer and your eighth house of intimate connections, a time when you’ll prefer to be in your cocoon. Interactions with your innermost circle are preferable to any big crowd hangouts (and well, for safety reasons too!). But even if you do find yourself at a buzzing-again hotspot, you’ll be more interested in one-one-one conversations with insightful and powerful people—not in superficial small talk!
The eighth house rules joint ventures, investments and real estate. An opportunity in one of these areas could crop up in the next month. Maybe you’ll just be more attentive to the way you use and share your own resources—not just money but also your time and energy. If you’ve been scattering your energy, as multi-hyphenate Sags tend to do, FOCUS!
But Jupiter also goes retrograde on June 20
Moving too fast? A summer slowdown begins when your ruling planet, Jupiter, turns retrograde from June 20 to October 18, backspinning between Pisces and Aquarius. Until July 28, Jupiter will reverse through Pisces and your domestic fourth house. An area of your personal life that’s been expanding rapidly could hit a little slowdown or setback.
Since mid-May, Jupiter in Pisces could have sparked you to consider a move, babies or a home decor makeover. Your relationship with your mother, a child or a key female relative has also been going through a period of growth (and maybe a little necessary cord-cutting). As Jupiter makes a U-turn, activity will slow down a bit here. Stay on guard for moodiness—and make sure to drink enough water, exercise and ramp up your self-care routines. That will help you stabilize as Jupiter turns even more deeply inward. Explore your emotions, but watch for self-absorption!
Mercury retrograde is OVER June 22
At last! The three weeks of technology, communication and plan-making mixups, courtesy of Mercuclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ry retrograde, are over. While you may still feel some “retroshade” from Mercury’s shadow period until July 7, it’s safe to send in your phone for an upgrade or make that important “launching soon” announcement without worrying about meddlesome Mercury.
Close the deal at the June 24 Capricorn full moon
When the Capricorn full moon arrives on Thursday, June 24, it will spotlight your second house of work, money and daily income. A change of jobs, a new client or news at your workplace could arrive. Look back to January 13 Capricorn new moon for clues about what could manifest now. Are you ready to kick a self-defeating habit or change your routine? These moonbeams will support your efforts.
One more retrograde (Neptune) starts June 25 (total of 4 planets)
Nostalgia alert: On June 25, emo Neptune starts its annual five-month retrograde through Pisces and your domestic, tender fourth house, a transit that will last until December 1. Neptune retrograde could lead you down a memory lane rabbit hole, for better or worse. A family member, perhaps your mom or a female relative, may figure prominently into events. Make a point of spending quality time together, especially since Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are also retrograde, giving you a window to reconnect with your roots.
Enjoy a bout of sentimentality while it lasts, Sag. Maybe you’ll visit a favorite childhood vacation spot or feel drawn to look through old photos. A departed loved one could “visit” in your dreams, bringing messages of love and support. You might even consider working with a trustworthy medium, especially if messages start coming through signs and serendipities. Journaling and meditation can help you access more etheric planes—and to do important work getting in tune with your emotions and creativity.
Venus gets intimate in Cancer on June 2
Ooh la la! Vixen Venus sidles into Cancer and your erotic eighth house from June 2 to 27, putting you in the mood for sensual one-on-one time. If that’s not spicy enough, Venus will team up with lusty Mars, which is also in Cancer from April 23 to June 11. You may already have been feeling these sultry vibes, but intense Mars can also bring a side of jealous or competitive feelings. When gentle Venus joins the dance, those sharp edges will soften and things could get soulfully sexy and deep! For Sagittarians who are ready to make things uber-official, there could be a proposal or big next step in the first couple weeks of June.
Mars roars into Leo on June 11
Well, that was intense! On June 11, Mars will emerge from the depths of your eighth house and blaze into Leo, igniting your ninth house of travel and adventure until July 29. You could find yourself suddenly attracted to someone from another culture, or perhaps a lusty long-distance flirtation will spark up. Since your sign is the natural ruler of the zodiac’s ninth house, this is probably business as usual for you—but Mars adds a certain degree of heat and velocity to the attraction. Coupled Archers who’ve been itching for a getaway could pack their bags for a safe escape, even if it’s a road trip, camping or a long weekend. An adventure for two might be just what the cosmos ordered! Watch a tendency to blurt the first thing that comes to might during this outspoken tranists. Your words could carry extra bluntness now, and cutting Mars could cause those “honest” remarks to hit below the belt.
Venus joins Mars in Leo on June 27
Luckily, diplomatic and gracious Venus will join Mars in Leo from June 27 until July 11, cushioning the blow of any poison-tipped arrows of truth you accidentally sling. With both love planets in your worldly and freedom-loving ninth house, what will turn you on most is feeling expansive and unleashed. It’s been a long time since you’ve gotten to spread your wings to the degree Sagittarians are accustomed to. But even a stretch beyond the same-old will be thrilling. Flirt, seek and explore outside the box…novelty is your aphrodisiac!
Could partnering up take your ideas to new heights? The June 10 Gemini solar eclipse activates your seventh house of contracts and relationships, which could bring a surprise offer to join forces for a win-win. But with Mercury retrograde in this same zone until June 22, hold off on sealing the deal until you’re 100 percent certain you want to team up. Events sparked by this new moon will unfold between now and the December 18 Gemini full moon, so there’s no need to rush into anything prematurely (although hasty Mars in your wealth sector could add some pressure). Are you happy with your current financial situation? On June 24, the Capricorn full moon illuminates your money and work zone, bringing a project or profit-making venture you’ve been working on since mid-January to a potentially lucrative turning point.
Love Days: 30, 10
Money Days: 16, 25
Luck Days: 14, 23
Off Days: 7, 12, 21
See All Signs
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade.
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