Minor spoilers ahead. Reservation Dogs has charmed us all. The FX on Hulu comedy, co-created by Taika Waititi and Sterlin Harjo, debuted in August to rave...
The hottest new show on Netflix is a laugh-track laden sitcom about nothing that aired its last episode in 1998. You guessed it: Seinfeld is making...
A bevy of health trackers and wearables are getting big checks for fitness, sleep Read More
How they’ll turn out is an entirely different question, though. Read More
There’s no contesting Italy’s reputation for decadence. From fashion to cars, the Italian boot has punted some of the most recognizable and coveted brands (think Gucci,...
Dua: Instagram; Juicy: Getty Images; Courtesy of the brands. Style Points is a weekly column about how fashion intersects with the wider world. It might have...
Kate Middleton is now isolating after being exposed to someone who tested positive to COVID-19, Kensington Palace confirmed in a statement Monday. “Her Royal Highness is...
Update, 7/4/21: People can’t get enough mid-20th Century drama, but they are just going to have to wait a little longer for it, Deadline confirms. The...
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