The theme of the last year’s Pandemic Thanksgiving could have been “Keep Away,” applicable to both viruses and extraneous cousins. The situation this holiday season, while...
Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle. However, muscle isn’t just built after your workout is done. Consuming protein after your workout makes enzymes that...
You’ve probably heard someone tell you to “get your protein in after your workout so you don’t waste it.” And while that may only be partially...
I’m a fitness enthusiast. I also adhere to a nutrient-dense, “clean” eating program, which means I minimize my sugar intake and eat a lot of whole...
Any running is good running. Whether it’s training for a marathon, taking a light jog, or doing sprints, the health benefits of kicking into higher gear...
After an 8-mile hike through aspen groves and mushroom patches just outside Flagstaff over the long weekend, my friends and I were ravenous for food. I...
If you’re wavering among carrots, tomatoes, or spinach to accompany your next meal, go for the greens. Researchers at the University of Vienna in Austria have...
A research group aims to probe how machine learning can improve farming and food distribution. Read More
Oftentimes, cooking in the outdoors is relegated to freeze-dried food and dehydrated dinners that aren’t very satisfying to the discerning diner. That’s where having a 4×4...
We ate a lot more during the pandemic. The latest figures by Public Health England suggest that more than 40% of British adults gained an average...
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