In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki, the trickster god so charismatically embodied by Tom Hiddleston, had somehow eluded the clutches of a canonical love interest until...
Minor spoilers for Army of Thieves ahead. Nathalie Emmanuel doesn’t know much about cracking safes (“Like, literally not at all,” she confesses), but it’s the central...
Unmarried people of faith don’t seem to get laid—at least not in commercial literature. Sure, there’s a peck on the cheek, or a meaningful smoldering glance,...
Olivia Rodrigo is the poster child for chic road rage in the new “brutal” music video, which sees the emotionally turbulent teenager—who famously can’t parallel park—sitting...
Move over Fairy Dust by Paris Hilton, Glow by J. Lo, and White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor— God is a Woman, the newest fragrance from Ariana...
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