This article is an installment of The Everyday Warrior series, a recurring column by retired Navy SEAL and best-selling author Mike Sarraille, featuring advice, key interviews,...
This article is an installment of The Everyday Warrior series, a recurring column by retired Navy SEAL and best-selling author Mike Sarraille, featuring advice, key interviews,...
The global pandemic made us realize how important it really is to take good care of our immune system. But with the new, more dangerous Delta variant, we need...
Do you make the effort to regularly shave/trim your hair? Are you sure you’re doing it safely and hygienically? Here are 10 manscaping trimming tips as...
During his career, Greg Norman racked up 91 professional wins and spent 331 weeks atop the Official World Golf Ranking. On the green and in the...
A good BBQ cookout is always something to be excited about. But did you know that aside from being a delicious way to enjoy your food, grilling also...
Like many places in the world right now, we’re roasting in the town of Mariposa—a town in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Consistent 90- to 100-degree temps...
We all know this, eating less and exercising more is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Exercise combined with healthy living and diet helps you achieve a...
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has been going on for a year and a half at this point. While there are still new cases being reported,...
You’ve been waiting… and waiting… and waiting for this amazing, magical day when you could return to “normal life.” For many people in the U.S., it...
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