Thank you for joining us on “The cloud hub: From cloud chaos to clarity.” Infosys in partnership with HFS Research conducted a study to understand how...
2022 will be a year of continuing transformation | Fortune You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.
Companies across all industries are faced with the urgent need to transform the way they do business, including financial services, but changes abound with governance, security,...
Thank you for joining us on “The cloud hub: From cloud chaos to cloud clarity.” We hope you enjoy this article. Alan Feeley, CIO of Siemens...
Randhir Gandhi, CEO of SPS, and Jay Nair, senior vice president of Financial Services at Infosys, explain how SPS digitally transformed its mortgage servicing value chain...
Thank you for joining us on “The cloud hub: From cloud chaos to cloud clarity.” We hope you enjoy this article. Andy Cooper, senior vice president...
At the heart of this transformation is the region’s rapid urbanization. Between 1970 and 2017, Asia’s developing economies outpaced the rest of the world in both...
Wing herself never intended to study computer science. In the mid-1970s, she entered MIT to pursue electrical engineering, inspired by her father, a professor in that...
People can be your most important catalyst for digital transformation—or the greatest obstacle. When people-related challenges to transformation progress emerge, the problems are usually very easy...
Accenture’s Julie Sweet: “The top 10% are performing at five times the rate of the bottom 25%.” Read More
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