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The 4 Best Multivitamin For Men: Support Health & Performance



Huge Multi

If you’re struggling with getting in enough vitamins through your diet, a multivitamin supplement can be a great addition to your routine.

They’re beneficial because these kinds of supplements are packed with extra vitamins and minerals.

But getting your hands on the right multivitamin for men is challenging if you don’t know what to look for.

That’s because every product contains a different combination of ingredients and dosages. So, for example, certain products leave out essential compounds, whereas others might carry too much of an ingredient.

We’ve researched the many options on the market and can present you with what we believe are the best multivitamins for men.

The Top 4 Best Multivitamin For Men

The multivitamin supplements for men we’re about to show you have the proper combination of quality ingredients at the correct dosages.

You’ll also notice that on top of the staple vitamins and minerals, these companies have also started adding other ingredients to improve their effectiveness.

A few examples of quality ingredients added to multivitamins are Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA).

They’re a great addition, making your product even better and more effective.

#1. Huge Multi


Taking our first and top spot is Huge Multi by Huge Nutrition. We found this high-performance multivitamin to be the most effective option out on the market.

It was designed primarily for men that want to be on top of their game. That’s exactly what this multi does, as it holds over 30 different high-quality ingredients that all work together to support optimal performance.

Here are several ingredients you’ll find in a serving of Huge Multi:

  • 5000iu Vitamin D3
  • 750mg Vitamin C
  • 200mg Ginger Extract
  • 150mg Vitamin E
  • 100mg Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
  • 80mg Vitamin B6
  • 120mcg Vitamin K2

And to top off the formula, Bioperine (black pepper extract) was added to make sure your body absorbs all these nutrients efficiently.

Of course, these are just a few ingredients; it contains a lot more. Visit the Huge Multi product page to view the complete formula.

We like this product because everything is clinically dosed, meaning you’re getting the optimal amount. That’s what makes this product a game-changer.

That means that if you’ve been searching for the best multivitamin for men, look no further because this is the best & most stacked option out there.

If you want to purchase or learn more about what this product offers, click here to visit the official product page or you can find it on Amazon here.


#2. Vita JYM


Coming in second place is Vita JYM by JYM Supplement Science. This product was created to help athletes support health, performance, and wellbeing.

The effectiveness of Vita JYM is found in the formula. Here are several of the best ingredients found in it:

  • 268mg Vitamin E
  • 250mg Vitamin C
  • 3mg Boron
  • 500mcg Vitamin B12
  • 200mcg Selenium
  • 120mcg Vitamin K

The only downside we found is that Vita JYM doesn’t contain any Vitamin D3, which is a crucial compound. But, other than that, it’s a solid formula that has you covered when it comes to micronutrients.

Adding Vita JYM to your routine will make sure you get in all the micronutrients you need as an athlete.

If you think this multivitamin suits your goals and needs, there are several places you can purchase it from. You’ll find it for sale on, Amazon, and many other sites.


#3. Opti-Men


The third spot goes to Opti-Men by Optimum Nutrition. Many of you might already know this brand and product, as they’re extremely popular and sell quality products.

If you’re a guy that lives an active lifestyle, Opti-Men is an excellent addition to your routine. It’s going to make sure you unlock your full potential at just three tablets per day.

Check out some of the ingredients found in Opti-men:

  • 1g Amino Acid Blend
  • 3000mcg Vitamin A
  • 1500iu Vitamin D3
  • 134mg Vitamin E
  • 100mg Phyto Men Blend
  • 15mg Zinc

What we like about Opti-men is that it contains all the staple vitamins and minerals, but on top of that, they’ve added free-form amino acids and phytonutrients.

That means you’re getting loads of different ingredients that’ll help you with energy, immunity, muscle growth, and more.

This high potency multivitamin for men can be found at plenty of stores, with the most popular ones being Amazon and iHerb.


#4. Vitamode


We’re finishing off our list of best multivitamins for men with Vitamode by Evlution Nutrition. This product will help with replenishing much-needed vitamins and minerals.

It’s not only going to help with your performance, but it’s also good for supporting bone, skin, and hair health.

Take a look at some of the ingredients found in this product:

  • 1800mcg Vitamin A
  • 500mg Vitamin C
  • 100mg Phyto Nutrient Complex
  • 50mg Vitamin B6
  • 13.5mg Vitamin E
  • 80mcg Vitamin K1

It’s great to see that VitaMode includes all necessary vitamins and minerals; they’re going to give a wide variety of benefits.

It’s also good to know that VitaMode is entirely free of gluten and can also be taken by vegetarians.

If you want to get your hands on this product, head over to the official Evlution Nutrition site. Or, you’ll also find it on other websites such as Amazon.

Should You Take A Multivitamin?

You’re able to get vitamins and minerals from food, so you don’t need really need a multivitamin if you’ve got your nutrition dialed in.

But the issue is that many of us cannot provide our body with all the nutrients it needs. That’s because to get those nutrients, you’re going to need to eat quite a few portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

That’s when a multivitamin becomes useful, as it’s going to help fill that nutritional gap in your diet. Plus, they’re incredibly convenient; you take a few capsules, and boom, you’ve got everything you need.

So, in my opinion, a multivitamin is a staple supplement that should be taken to make sure you’re giving your body all the nutrients it needs.

It’s also a good idea to look into post workout supplements and pre workout supplements to help improve your performance.

Can Multivitamin Supplements Cause Side Effects?

It is possible to run into mild side effects when taking a multivitamin. The majority of the side effects caused by a multivitamin are mild gut-related issues.

Constipation, diarrhea, and nausea are the most common reported side effects. They’re often temporary as it’s simply your body getting used to the supplement. They will disappear after a few days.

It’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s dosing instructions. That means if the serving size is four capsules, stick to that and don’t go any higher.

Keep in mind that multivitamins are one of the most commonly used supplements out there. So if they weren’t safe, they wouldn’t be selling them.

If the side effects you experience keep occurring, it’s important to discontinue use and contact a medical expert. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about multivitamin supplements? Go through the frequently asked questions below.

#1. When is the best time to take a multivitamin?

There is no ”best time” to take a multivitamin. With that said, the majority of the users take it in the morning with a meal. By taking it with a meal, you’re increasing absorption.

#2. What is the best multivitamin for men?

The best multivitamin for men is Huge Multi by Huge Nutrition. It’s the most effective product because it contains all the ingredients at optimal dosages. On top of the many essential vitamins and minerals, they’ve also added other ingredients that’ll help support overall health.

#3. What percentage of a multivitamin is absorbed by your body?

It’s hard to say exactly which percentage of your multivitamin is absorbed, as it will be different for everyone. Of course, the quality of your product will also play a role.

#4. Is it good to take a multivitamin every day?

It’s recommended to take your multivitamin every day for optimal effects. By taking it every day, you’re providing your body with the required vitamins and minerals.

#5. Why should I take a multivitamin?

Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in keeping your overall health high. This is because they play a role in many different processes, such as immunity, brain function, muscle function, and many more.

By taking a multivitamin, you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs to make sure all these processes work optimally.


A multivitamin is a staple supplement filled with crucial vitamins and minerals to help you stay healthy.

Because these products are pretty popular, there are hundreds of different options on the market. To help you, we’ve put together a list of the best and most stacked products.

Here’s a recap of the four best multivitamins for men we’ve featured:

  1. Huge Multi (Editor’s Choice – Shop Now)
  2. Vita JYM
  3. Opti-Men
  4. VitaMode

Each of these products contains a good combination of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients to make sure you’re on top of your game.

But our top pick, Huge Multi, is ahead of its competition when it comes to product formulation. So if you’re looking for the absolute best of the best, check it out.

To maximize your health, take a multivitamin every day. Even though you’re taking this supplement, it’s still important to stay on top of your nutrition by eating plenty of fruit and vegetables.




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Best Time-Under-Tension Workout for Total-Body Strength



Barbell Back Squat

The key to 360-degree muscle: 90-degree eccentric isometrics. It might seem like we’re throwing a lot of geometry at you, but the concept behind time under tension (TUT) is simple, says Joel Seedman, PhD, owner of Advanced Human Performance: “Perform the lowering phase of a movement in a slow, controlled fashion, usually 3 to 5 seconds; pause in the stretched position, typically around 90 degrees; then perform the lifting phase in a powerful yet controlled fashion.” Believe us, a time-under-tension workout can humble even seasoned lifters…Eccentric isometrics are like the pressure cooker of training.

“Rather than mindlessly performing slow-tempo reps, you’re using the increased time under tension as a means to fine-tune your body mechanics and alignment, which requires more mental engagement and focus,” Seedman adds.

If you want to forge functional muscle mass and strength while simultaneously bulletproofing the joints and connective tissue, give this 10-move, full-body eccentric isometrics workout a go.


Perform the following moves as 90-degree eccentric isometrics following the above protocol. Use heavy weight, but not at the detriment of proper form. Rest 60 to 90 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between circuits. Perform once every 2 to 4 days for optimal results.

Best Time-Under-Tension Workout for Total-Body Strength

Circuit 1

Marius Bugge

A. Barbell Back Squat

Set a squat rack up with heavy weight, then grasp bar and step under it. Squeeze shoulder blades together, then stand to unrack bar and step back with feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale, hinge at hips and slowly bend knees to 90 degrees. Pause, keeping natural arch in low back, then extend through hips to powerfully stand. 3 x 4-6 reps

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts renegade row
Marius Bugge

B. Renegade Row

Start in the top position of a pushup with hands shoulder-width apart on moderate-to-heavy dumbbells (shown). Explosively drive right elbow back to row dumbbell toward ribs while balancing on opposite hand and feet. Pause, then slowly lower weight, stopping a few inches above floor. Switch sides after all reps are done. 3 x 5 reps each side

Circuit 2

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing renegade row Dumbbell Bentover Row in gym
Marius Bugge

A. Dumbbell Bentover Row

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding two moderate-to-heavy dumbbells in front of thighs, palms facing you. Push hips back and hinge torso forward so it’s nearly parallel to floor, soft bend in knees. Dumbbells should be near shins. Drive elbows back to row weights toward ribs. Pause, then slowly lower down for 3 to 5 seconds. 3 x 4-5 reps

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Incline Dumbbell Chest Press with Legs Raised 
Marius Bugge

B. Incline Dumbbell Chest Press with Legs Raised 

Set an adjustable bench to a 30- to 45-degree angle and lie back with dumbbells in either hand. Engage core and lift legs off floor, flexing feet. Press weights overhead, palms in. Slowly lower to 90 degrees, staying tight and compact. Pause, then drive weights up directly over chest. 3 x 4-5 reps

Circuit 3

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Dumbbell Bulgarian Squat
Marius Bugge

A. Dumbbell Bulgarian Squat

Stand lunge-length in front of a flat bench, holding heavy dumbbells in each hand by your sides, palms facing in. Rest the ball on top (shoe’s laces) of your right foot behind you on the bench. Slowly lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause, then drive through your heel to stand. Switch sides after all reps are complete. 2 x 3-4 reps each side

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Single-leg Romanian Deadlift
Marius Bugge

B. Single-leg Romanian Deadlift

Stand with feet hip-width apart holding dumbbells or kettlebells. Drive right leg up, foot flexed, knee aligned with hip, making a 90-degree angle. Hinge at hips as you slowly lever your torso toward floor, lowering weights and driving right leg back for counterbalance. Hold, then squeeze glutes to reverse. 2 x 3-4 reps each side

Circuit 4

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing pullup
Marius Bugge

A. Pullup

Hang from a pullup bar using an overhand grip with legs extended and feet flexed. Engage lats and draw shoulders down your back, then pull yourself up until chin is higher than hands. Pause at the top, then slowly lower. Pause at bottom, then reset before your next rep. 2-3 x 4-5 reps

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Kneeling Overhead Barbell Press
Marius Bugge

B. Kneeling Overhead Barbell Press

Hold a bar with moderate-to-heavy load at shoulder level with forearms perpendicular to floor. Kneel at end of bench with feet flexed to grip edge for support. Inhale, engage your core and glutes, then press the bar overhead, pushing your head forward so it passes your face, exhaling at the top.
Slowly lower until elbows are at 90 degrees, then hold to maintain tension. Begin your next rep from here. 2-3 x 4-5 reps

Circuit 5

A. Dumbbell Pushup

Place hands on dumbbells (this provides greater range of motion) at shoulder width and feet wider than shoulder width with just toes touching the ground. Keep head neutral and hips high to increase tension on core, chest and tris and reduce stress on spine. Slowly lower to the floor. Stop
once elbows hit 90 degrees, pause, then push up to start. 1-2 x 6-8 reps

B. Biceps Curl

Stand with feet hip-width apart with moderate-to-heavy dumbbells in each hand hanging by sides. Engage biceps to curl the weights up, keeping upper arms still. Pause at the top, then lower slowly. Don’t let arms drop all the way down to keep greater time under tension on biceps. 1-2 x 6-8 reps

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