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What Being an Army Green Beret Taught Me About Leadership



What Being an Army Green Beret Taught Me About Leadership

This article is an installment of The Everyday Warrior series, featuring advice, key interviews, and tips to live a life of impact, growth, and continual learning.

For over 31 years, I served our nation as a soldier—my first decade as a military policeman and the rest in the U.S. Army Special Forces. During my time, I served in every enlisted leadership position from front line supervisor to sergeant major. In every one of those positions, I learned something from those I led and those I followed. While the lessons are innumerable and hard to distill, there are five principles that have stayed with me. They pay dividends no matter what field you’re in.

  1. Leadership matters
  2. Culture matters
  3. People matter
  4. Teams matter
  5. Growth matters

1. Leadership Matters

There are several definitions, but I would like to share what the Army taught me about leadership via the ADP 6-22 (Army doctrine reference publication).

“The activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.”

I first memorized this in 1993 while I studied for my Sergeant’s oral board, part of the promotion requirements to become a leader in the Army. These words have shaped who I’ve become and are the foundation of what I want others to know. Leadership is influence, purpose, motivation, direction, accomplishment, and improvement. Hopefully, the days of, “Because I said so” leadership are gone or at least subsiding. Employees want to know two basic things: why and why me? It’s easy to think of the why in terms of profits, but to the individual, profits are not that important.

A good leader should be explaining why an organization is moving in a direction by informing their people of the bigger picture. Increased sales mean bigger markets, bigger markets mean a larger workforce, and that means growth opportunities for existing staff. As leaders are developing their employees, they should always be looking at how they want to grow in their careers and how you can develop them to achieve their goals. People don’t just quit jobs, they quit bosses who don’t provide leadership.

2. Culture Matters

Why do soldiers re-enlist knowing what their ultimate job is? During my time in the Army, I’ve been to some of the most dangerous places on Earth, yet I’ve continued to re-enlist for over three decades. I stayed because I was immersed in a culture that promoted individual development to meet unit requirements, not the other way around. As Green Berets, we knew that every ounce of time and money spent developing our soldiers meant a higher chance of success on the battlefield. Improvement of the organization was more than a slogan; it was our culture. How many companies publish their culture but fail to promote it? You will never be able to sustain an organization that confuses profit for culture.

3. People Matter

No amount of automation can replace your most basic and important asset: human capital. Your people sell, produce, and ship your product. Your product is the result of your people, not the reason for having them. Early in my career I learned my people worked harder for me only when I worked harder for them. I had responsibilities up the chain of command, but my people were always my priority. Mission accomplishment is far easier with a motivated and therefore, dedicated, workforce. Get to know your people, find out what they want out of life, then help them get there. Use your mission as a development tool for your team and they’ll be far more willing to go the extra mile.

4. Teams Matter

A Special Forces team is designed to be able to operate independent of centralized command structure. While assets and support are given from the top down, most often the mission is accomplished from the bottom up. Those Green Berets know what’s happening on the ground and know how to best address it. They also know their bottom-up missions are nested within the commander’s intent. Commanders and their staff are there to prioritize, allocate assets, and support the teams who are ultimately the ones who will meet the overall objectives of the command.
It was easy to think my missions were the most important. When I was not prioritized to receive the assets I wanted, I started becoming resentful. A good commander sat me down and explained that while I knew my area of operations best, he and his staff had the bigger picture in mind and could see when and where my mission made the biggest impact. I quickly learned to communicate both vertically and horizontally to see how I could give and receive mutual support for the overall objective.

5. Growth Matters

On average, a Special Forces Team sergeant holds that position for two years. They are then promoted to manage multiple teams in ever-growing numbers. There’s nothing worse than overseeing your former team from a higher position and having them become your biggest problem because you failed to develop someone to replace you. You just created your own headache. Change is constant and you are responsible to manage it. Developing your people to assume bigger roles and responsibilities should always be your number one priority. Eventually, they will move on and if they are unsuccessful, it’s partly because they didn’t have a mentor to help develop them.

Leaders Improve the organization by developing tomorrow’s leaders today. Leaders who focus solely on profits, at the expense of their people, fail to understand what leadership truly is. Provide purpose, be a motivator, give direction and you will see that mission accomplishment is far easier than you thought, and your organization will continue to improve.

SGM (Ret) Joshua Johnson is a 32-year veteran of the U.S. Army Special Forces and now serves as the Sr. VP of Leadership Development for Talent War Group.

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Best Time-Under-Tension Workout for Total-Body Strength



Barbell Back Squat

The key to 360-degree muscle: 90-degree eccentric isometrics. It might seem like we’re throwing a lot of geometry at you, but the concept behind time under tension (TUT) is simple, says Joel Seedman, PhD, owner of Advanced Human Performance: “Perform the lowering phase of a movement in a slow, controlled fashion, usually 3 to 5 seconds; pause in the stretched position, typically around 90 degrees; then perform the lifting phase in a powerful yet controlled fashion.” Believe us, a time-under-tension workout can humble even seasoned lifters…Eccentric isometrics are like the pressure cooker of training.

“Rather than mindlessly performing slow-tempo reps, you’re using the increased time under tension as a means to fine-tune your body mechanics and alignment, which requires more mental engagement and focus,” Seedman adds.

If you want to forge functional muscle mass and strength while simultaneously bulletproofing the joints and connective tissue, give this 10-move, full-body eccentric isometrics workout a go.


Perform the following moves as 90-degree eccentric isometrics following the above protocol. Use heavy weight, but not at the detriment of proper form. Rest 60 to 90 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between circuits. Perform once every 2 to 4 days for optimal results.

Best Time-Under-Tension Workout for Total-Body Strength

Circuit 1

Marius Bugge

A. Barbell Back Squat

Set a squat rack up with heavy weight, then grasp bar and step under it. Squeeze shoulder blades together, then stand to unrack bar and step back with feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale, hinge at hips and slowly bend knees to 90 degrees. Pause, keeping natural arch in low back, then extend through hips to powerfully stand. 3 x 4-6 reps

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts renegade row
Marius Bugge

B. Renegade Row

Start in the top position of a pushup with hands shoulder-width apart on moderate-to-heavy dumbbells (shown). Explosively drive right elbow back to row dumbbell toward ribs while balancing on opposite hand and feet. Pause, then slowly lower weight, stopping a few inches above floor. Switch sides after all reps are done. 3 x 5 reps each side

Circuit 2

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing renegade row Dumbbell Bentover Row in gym
Marius Bugge

A. Dumbbell Bentover Row

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding two moderate-to-heavy dumbbells in front of thighs, palms facing you. Push hips back and hinge torso forward so it’s nearly parallel to floor, soft bend in knees. Dumbbells should be near shins. Drive elbows back to row weights toward ribs. Pause, then slowly lower down for 3 to 5 seconds. 3 x 4-5 reps

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Incline Dumbbell Chest Press with Legs Raised 
Marius Bugge

B. Incline Dumbbell Chest Press with Legs Raised 

Set an adjustable bench to a 30- to 45-degree angle and lie back with dumbbells in either hand. Engage core and lift legs off floor, flexing feet. Press weights overhead, palms in. Slowly lower to 90 degrees, staying tight and compact. Pause, then drive weights up directly over chest. 3 x 4-5 reps

Circuit 3

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Dumbbell Bulgarian Squat
Marius Bugge

A. Dumbbell Bulgarian Squat

Stand lunge-length in front of a flat bench, holding heavy dumbbells in each hand by your sides, palms facing in. Rest the ball on top (shoe’s laces) of your right foot behind you on the bench. Slowly lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause, then drive through your heel to stand. Switch sides after all reps are complete. 2 x 3-4 reps each side

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Single-leg Romanian Deadlift
Marius Bugge

B. Single-leg Romanian Deadlift

Stand with feet hip-width apart holding dumbbells or kettlebells. Drive right leg up, foot flexed, knee aligned with hip, making a 90-degree angle. Hinge at hips as you slowly lever your torso toward floor, lowering weights and driving right leg back for counterbalance. Hold, then squeeze glutes to reverse. 2 x 3-4 reps each side

Circuit 4

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing pullup
Marius Bugge

A. Pullup

Hang from a pullup bar using an overhand grip with legs extended and feet flexed. Engage lats and draw shoulders down your back, then pull yourself up until chin is higher than hands. Pause at the top, then slowly lower. Pause at bottom, then reset before your next rep. 2-3 x 4-5 reps

Athletic man wearing gray T-shirt and maroon shorts doing Kneeling Overhead Barbell Press
Marius Bugge

B. Kneeling Overhead Barbell Press

Hold a bar with moderate-to-heavy load at shoulder level with forearms perpendicular to floor. Kneel at end of bench with feet flexed to grip edge for support. Inhale, engage your core and glutes, then press the bar overhead, pushing your head forward so it passes your face, exhaling at the top.
Slowly lower until elbows are at 90 degrees, then hold to maintain tension. Begin your next rep from here. 2-3 x 4-5 reps

Circuit 5

A. Dumbbell Pushup

Place hands on dumbbells (this provides greater range of motion) at shoulder width and feet wider than shoulder width with just toes touching the ground. Keep head neutral and hips high to increase tension on core, chest and tris and reduce stress on spine. Slowly lower to the floor. Stop
once elbows hit 90 degrees, pause, then push up to start. 1-2 x 6-8 reps

B. Biceps Curl

Stand with feet hip-width apart with moderate-to-heavy dumbbells in each hand hanging by sides. Engage biceps to curl the weights up, keeping upper arms still. Pause at the top, then lower slowly. Don’t let arms drop all the way down to keep greater time under tension on biceps. 1-2 x 6-8 reps

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