Many people credit grill master Steven Raichlen with inventing beer-can chicken. He didn’t. But he did popularize it, bringing the cooking technique from, as he puts it, “the...
There have been 154 COVID-related studies retracted to date, according to Retraction Watch, including now-discredited papers on 5G and the coronavirus and ones recommending unproven drugs...
Vodka is often a mistaken spirit, relegated to cocktails and overlooked as something worthy of sipping straight. But chilled top-shelf vodkas paired with caviar? That’s an...
Some backwoods hardasses might tell you to just sip straight from the stream, but that’s a good way to swallow illness-causing parasites or bacteria. Whether you’re...
The gym can’t replace therapy, but it’s a damn good release when you’re dealing with a tough day at the office or a stressful family affair....
Subaru is gradually revealing its 2022 lineup, and there’s one common thread we’re excited about: Wilderness. Coming on the heels of the 2022 Outback Wilderness debut,...
It’s a fortunate turn of events from early August, when Perseverance made its first attempt at getting a sample but scientists found that nothing actually ended...
Delivery drivers were out last night during tornado and flash flood warnings. What happened? Read More
While more and more people are getting vaccinated against COVID-19, the US’ daily infection rate is on the rise, prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to...
Yammer founder David Sacks has raised $12 million for Callin, a live audio platform Read More